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BSc Books for Free in PDF

BSc Books for Free in PDF: Download Here (2025 Edition)

For BSc students, who are looking for BSc books for free in pdf – we are here with this guide.

In this short guide, we have discussed a little about the BSc course, eligibility, duration, etc. Along with that, we have also covered subject-wise books in pdf format.

All you have to do is to scroll down to the subject of your choice & click the download links at the end of that section. You can also download BSc Books in Hindi from our blog.

You can also follow the below Table of Contents & reach wherever you want.

BSc Course Details

BSc degree is the abbreviation for Bachelor of Science degree. This degree is awarded to students who have completed a program of study with a specific focus in the field of science, where they are able to develop a broad understanding of the field, from the microscopic level to the planetary level.

It is a three-year degree, and it is often the first degree that a student usually enrolls in after 10+2. The eligibility criteria for a BSc degree is 10+2 with a Science stream. 

BSc or Bachelor’s of Science can be done in many subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Zoology, Botany, Statistics, Computer Science, etc.

BSc Books for Free in PDF

In the below sections, we have shared subject-wise BSc books for free in pdf format. In order to download these books, you have to click on the Download Button at the end of each section & follow the next steps.

Let’s start with the books of Physics for Bachelor of Science.

BSc Physics Books

The bachelor of science in Physics is one of the most interesting courses that one can do after 10+2. It deals with the study of fundamentals of Physics. 

A bachelor’s degree in physics opens a wide range of career & job opportunities in the field of research & science. 

1st Year BSc Physics Books

Sem ISem-II
MechanicsGeneral Properties of Matter
Theory of OscillationsWaves & Acoustics 

2nd Year BSc Physics Books

BSc Physics Sem IIIBSc Physics Sem IV
ThermodynamicsHeat Transfer Mechanism
Geometrical OpticsPhysical Optics
Elementary Solid State PhysicsStatistical Physics

3rd Year BSc Physics Books

BSc Physics Sem VBSc Physics Sem VI
Quantum MechanicsRelativity Theory & E.M. Waves
Atomic & Molecular PhysicsSubatomic Physics
Basic ElectronicsAnalog/Digital Electronics

BSc Chemistry Books

A BSc in Chemistry is a three-year undergraduate degree that focuses on the fields of chemistry, including the study of chemical reactions, the structure of materials, and the properties of matter. 

Studying chemistry has a number of career options, including careers in the chemical industry, academia, and the research sector. 

The syllabus of Chemistry for BSc 1st, 2nd & 3rd year consists of three books in common namely, Inorganic, Organic & Physical Chemistry.

1st YearInorganic, Organic & Physical Chemistry
2nd YearInorganic, Organic & Physical Chemistry
3rd YearInorganic, Organic & Physical Chemistry

BSc Mathematics Books

A Bachelor of Science in Mathematics is a three or four-year undergraduate degree. It is a course of study that is unlike any other, as it is the only degree that focuses on the concept of mathematics. 

It encompasses a wide range of topics, with mathematics being the central focus. The detailed list of books for BSc Mathematics for each semester is discussed below.

BSc 1st Year Mathematics Books

BSc Maths Sem IBSc Maths Sem-II
Elementary Algebra & TrigonometryGroup Theory
Differential CalculusIntegral Calculus
Geometry & Vector AnalysisAnalytical Geometry 

BSc 2nd Year Mathematics Books

BSc Maths Sem IIIBSc Maths Sem IV
Advanced AlgebraVector Spaces & Matrices
Differential EquationsReal Analysis
MechanicsMathematical Methods

BSc 3rd Year Mathematics Books

BSc Maths Sem VBSc Maths Sem VI
Linear AlgebraNumerical Methods
Complex AnalysisMathematical Statistics
Functions of Several variables & Differential EquationsOperations Research

BSc Zoology Books

Zoology is a discipline that encompasses the scientific study of animals, including humans. It is a multidisciplinary study of animal life from the molecular to the organismal level and includes the area of animal behavior and ecology. Animal biology is the branch of zoology that deals with the study of animals.

The Bachelor’s degree in Zoology (BSc Zoology) is a course of study that focuses on the biology and behavior of animals. Zoology students study the anatomy, physiology, genetics, and behavior of animals. 

They also study the animals’ interactions with the environment and their impact on the animals. In the below tables, we have discussed the books in each semester of BSc Zoology.

BSc 1st Year Zoology Books

BSc Zoology Sem IBSc Zoology Sem II
Lower Non-ChordataMolecular Biology, Elementary Biotechnology, and Biological Techniques
Higher Non-ChordataTaxonomy, Evolution, and Elementary Palaeontology                                                                     
Cell- BiologyGenetics 

BSc 2nd Year Zoology Books

BSc Zoology Sem IIIBSc Zoology Sem IV
Lower ChordataDevelopmental Biology
Higher ChordataApplied Zoology
Ecology and Environmental BiologyElementary Entomology and Applied Ichthyology

BSc 3rd Year Zoology Books

BSc Zoology Sem VBSc Zoology Sem VI
Microbiology Biological Chemistry and Basic Mammalian Endocrinology
Animal BehaviourAnimal Physiology-Endocrinology
Toxicology and HistologyBioinformatics and Biostatistics Endocrinology 

BSc Botany Books

Botany is a field of science that studies plants. The focus of botany is on its structure, growth, development, reproduction, and life processes. 

It is also referred to as the scientific study of plant life on every level–from microscopic to macroscopic. Botany is a broad field of science, with many sub-disciplines.

An undergraduate degree program in Botany is one of the most popular undergraduate degrees of the day. BSc Botany is a three-year undergraduate degree program that teaches students about the science of plants and the environment. 

The curriculum of the degree is intensive, with courses focused on plant biology and ecology. The program offers opportunities for students to gain skills in research and teaching. A BSc in Botany is also a popular career option for those who want to work in the plant sciences.

When it comes to the syllabus of BSc Botany, it consists of the following books:

BSc 1st Year Botany Books

BSc Botany Sem IBSc Botany Sem II
Algae Microbiology
BryophytaGymnosperm and Palaeobotany 

BSc 2nd Year Botany Books

BSc Botany Sem IIIBSc Botany Sem IV
Taxonomy of AngiospermsGenetics and Plant Breeding
Cytology Molecular Biology
Embryology and Morphogenesis Plant Anatomy 

BSc 3rd Year Botany Books

BSc Botany Sem VBSc Botany Sem VI
Economic Botany Ecology
Plant Physiology Biostatistics
Biochemistry Biotechnology 

BSc Statistics Books

Statistics is an applied science that is used to “describe, make predictions, and test theories in many fields, such as natural sciences, medicine, marketing, and economics.”

A BSc in Statistics degree can be a powerful tool for success in a variety of fields, from medicine to business, from political science to engineering.

The semester-wise breakdown of BSc Statistics books is as shown below: 

BSc 1st Year Statistics Books

BSc Statistics Sem IBSc Statistics Sem II
Probability IStatistical Methods II
Probability IITheoretical Distributions 
Statistical Methods IApplied Statistics

BSc 2nd Year Statistics Books

BSc Statistics Sem IIIBSc Statistics Sem IV
Numerical AnalysisStatistical Inference I
Sample Survey & TechniquesStatistical Inference II 
Exact Sampling DistributionsTesting of Significance 

BSc 3rd Year Statistics Books

BSc Statistics Sem VBSc Statistics Sem VI
Analysis of VarianceQuality Control 
Design of ExperimentNon Parametric Methods
Multivariate AnalysisComputer Methods  


What is the duration of the BSc Course?

The duration of a BSc course is 3 years in most Indian Universities. However, some universities offer 4 year BSc programs as well.

How can I download the BSc Syllabus?

You can easily download the BSc Syllabus by visiting the official website of your university. Also, you can get a general overview from our website as well.

Where can I find BSc books for free in pdf?

BSc books for all the major subjects are available for free to download on our website. All you have to do is to click the download links below each section.

Final Words

We have covered the BSc books for various subjects in this post. I hope this post will help you download BSc books for free in pdf.

We have also covered some of the frequently asked questions at the end. Still, if you have any queries do let us know in the comments section. We will try our best to solve your queries as fast as possible.


Education Dice
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